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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS);faqs.014
Or send inquiries to the following address:
Kodak Information Center
Dept. E. 343 State Street
Rochester, NY 14650-0811
Information about PhotoCD is available by anonymous ftp from
There is an excellent article on PhotoCD in the Sept 92 issue of
Photographic Magazine.
Eastman Kodak Co recently released Photo CD Access, which is designed
to allow users to integrate CD images into any Windows or Macintosh
Application. Requires a CD ROM XA (Extended Architecture) drive.
Most popular image formats are supported, including TIFF, GIF, TARGA
and PICT. Kodak sells the software directly. $39.95, 1-800-242-2424.
A developer's kit is available for $695 and includes source code as well
as object for PC/MAC.
The maximum resolution is 3072 X 2048, 24 bit color.
39. Where can I get maps of the US on CD-ROM?
The USGS is producing a series of cds that contain 1:100,000 scale
digital line graph (DLG) data. Presently, only Florida is available.
Also, 1:2,000,000 DLG cd is available for the US. Call 1-800-USA-MAPS
for more info.
You can also get topo data (with AVHRR coverage) on CD-ROM for $32. This
is DEM (30" elevation data) for the whole US. Contact: EROS Data Center,
Sioux Falls, SD 605-594-6507, or 6511
40. How do I put a CD-ROM Drive on a Novell network?
1. SCSI Express. SCSI drives only, NLM only.
2. OptiNet by OnLine in Germantown, MD. Both NLM and separate CD-Server.
Any type of drive supported. Up to 128 drives per server.
3. CD-Net by Meridian in Colorado. Software only version of the Meridian
CD-Server. Used to be limited to 21 drives, but may have been upgraded.
Not sure if NLM version is currently available.
Also, CBIS has a hardware/software solution that supports up to 21 drives
per server. No NLM.
All the packages run about $700 for 8 users or less.
Corel sell a SCSI driver package that include NLM's to put
worm drives,CD-Roms etc on a 3.1+ server. The package also includes dos
drivers for just about every device you would want to connect to SCSI.
Only costs about $70.
41. Are any CD-ROM Jukeboxes available?
There is a Pioneer DRM600 CD-ROM jukebox. It will hold 6 CD's in a
cartridge, costs around $900-$1000, but has a slow drive. Pioneer also
has a new drive coming out in December that is the same 6-CD changer,
but with a 340ms, 600K/Sec drive in it. That will be more like $1400.
It is available from:
Kintronics Computer Products
3 Westchester Plaza
Elmsford, NY 10523
914-347-2530 or 800-431-1658 attention Neal Allen
It is also distributed by Peripheral Solution, in Santa Cruz, 408-425-8280
A jukebox that handles 240 discs is available from
Kubik Technologies Ltd.
200-3900 Viking Way
Richmond, BC V6V 1V7
42. Can I speed up my CD-ROM by using a cache?
There are several programs that cache information from the CD-ROM onto
your hard disk. Since magnetic discs are often more than 10 times faster
than a CD-ROM, this can result in dramatic improvements under some
Most of the programs cache the directory information, so you can traverse
subdirectories quickly. They also cache the most recently accessed blocks
of data. So if you use the same files over and over, or access the same
records in a database, your CD-ROM will seem much faster. But when you
access the information for the first time, it will be just as slow as
SpeedCache+ from Future Systems has been recommended as a pretty good
caching program.
Future Systems, Inc
0420 South 500 East
Bluffton, IN 46714
(219) 824-4963
On the Macintosh a prescanning (Directory, file atrributes, icons, etc)
cache to accelerate the Mac with CD-ROMs exists from two companies
SpeedyCD 1.22 and FWB CD-ROM ToolKit 1.0. FWB seems much faster than
SpeedyCD and can prescan any type of CD-ROM volumes (ProDos, Mac HFS,
MS DOS, ISO9660, PhotoCD etc.) It prescans in the background.
43. Do you have any info about the CD-ROM filesystems for Amigas?
The following information is taken from the Winter '93
"AC's Guide to the Commodre Amiga" (pages 112, 253, 262, 149)
This CD_ROM FIleSystem allows an Amiga/CDTV to access any ISO9660,
HighSierra, or Mac HFS formatted disc. CDTV discs also accessible.
Comes with FishMarket, a disc containing Fred Fish disks 1-637,
and AsimTunes, an intuition-based AudioCD controller program with
ARexx capability. Includes a manual and a painless install procedure.
Supports a number of CD-ROM drives. Requires SCSI controller
compatible with Commodore SCSI-Direct Standard. For 68000,010,020,
030,040 processors. Minimum 512K, more recommended for buffering.
AmigaDOS 1.3/2.0 compatible. $79.00
Asimware Innovations, 101 Country Club Dr,
Hamilton, Ontario L8K 5W4, Canada, (416) 578-
4916 FAX(416) 578-3966
CDx Disk Set
All software needed to attach a SCSI CD-ROM drive to most popular
SCSI controllers, plus a printed manual and two CD-ROM discs (Fish &
More Vols. I and II). Software consists of: CDxFileSystem for access
to ISO 9660, High Sierra, and Mac HFS discs, CDTV emulation software
to run most CDTV titles (1MB chip RAM recommended), audio CD player
software, an assembly/C/Arexx-compatible device for developers, and
more. NTSC/PAL compatible, Requires SCSI controller, SCSI CD-ROM drive.
AmigaDOS 2.0 compatible. $50.00
Xetec, Inc., 2804 Arnold Road, Salina, KS 67401,
(913) 827-0685, FAX(913) 827-6023
CDROM-FS version 702 enables Amiga owners to connect most SCSI CD ROM
drives to an Amiga with a SCSI interface. This software provides support
for industry standard ISO 9660/High Sierra format CD ROM discs. It comes
with clear concise instructions, making it easy to install and use.
Requires A590, A2091, A3000, Microbotics Hardframe or GVP. $49.95.
Canadian Prototype Replicas, P.O. Box 8, Breslau,
Ontario, Canada N0B 1M0, (519) 884-4412
Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu rec.travel.air:5897 news.answers:4358
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From: mkant+@cs.cmu.edu (Mark Kantrowitz)
Newsgroups: rec.travel.air,news.answers
Subject: FAQ: How to Get Cheap Airtickets [Monthly posting]
Message-ID: <airfare.text_723279623@cs.cmu.edu>
Date: 2 Dec 92 07:01:00 GMT
Article-I.D.: cs.airfare.text_723279623
Expires: Fri, 15 Jan 1993 07:00:23 GMT
Sender: news@cs.cmu.edu (Usenet News System)
Reply-To: mkant@cs.cmu.edu
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Archive-name: cheap-airfare
Last-Modified: Thu Apr 23 15:38:18 1992 by Mark Kantrowitz
Version: 1.2
Size: 51761 bytes
This post is a summary of useful information for air travelers. The
focus is on obtaining inexpensive air fares, although other topics are
also covered.
Please mail comments, corrections, additions, suggestions, criticisms
and other information to mkant@cs.cmu.edu.
An updated version of this file is posted once a month to the
newsgroups rec.travel.air and news.answers. The version date for the
file is located in the header near the top of the file. The list is
also available via anonymous ftp from ftp.cs.cmu.edu in the directory
/afs/cs.cmu.edu/user/mkant/Public/Travel/ as the file airfare.text.
Note that you must cd to this directory in one command, as
intermediate directories are protected during an anonymous ftp. Of
course, if your site is running the Andrew File System, you may access
the file directly without using FTP. You can also get the file by
anonymous ftp from pit-manager.mit.edu ( in the file
/pub/usenet/rec.travel.air/How_to_Get_Cheap_Airtickets, or by sending
a mail message to "mail-server@pit-manager.mit.edu" with the subject
"send usenet/rec.travel.air/How_to_Get_Cheap_Airtickets".
;;; ********************************
;;; Copyright **********************
;;; ********************************
Copyright (c) 1989, 1990, 1991, and 1992 by Mark Kantrowitz. Use and copying
of this information and preparation of derivative works based upon
this information are permitted, so long as the following conditions
are met:
o no fees or compensation are charged for use, copies or access to
this information
o this copyright notice is included intact
This information is made available AS IS, and no warranty is made
about its quality or correctness.
;;; ********************************
;;; Contents ***********************
;;; ********************************
Topics Covered:
Temporary Notes
Standard Tricks
Fare Classes
Classes of Service
Fare Types
Special Fare Categories
Flying Standby
Getting "Bumped"
Sympathy Fares, Emergencies
Advance Purchase Fares
Travel Agents
Lost Baggage
Baggage Limits
Hub Cities
Flying International: Couriers, Consolidators
Credit Card Voucher Offers
Special Meals
Airline Reservation Phone Numbers
Frequent Flyer Programs
Complaints and Compliments
Miscellaneous Notes
Other Sources of Information
Further Reading
;;; ********************************
;;; Temporary Notes ****************
;;; ********************************
With the American Airlines fare restructuring, many discounted fares
have been eliminated, ostensibly because "everything's cheap now".
However, I am not eliminating the discussion of these discounts
because they still apply to some airlines. In addition, I expect the
fare restructuring to be largely temporary -- as soon as fares start
creeping up again, some airline is going to announce discounted
children's fares to attract families as a marketing move, and the
other airlines will follow suit.
Even though most airlines are now matching their lowest discount
fares, it still pays to have your travel agent check several airlines.
For example, USAir has a virtual monopoly out of Pittsburgh, some
sometimes they don't feel the need to reduce the fares. If you don't
mind making a connection, you can sometimes save some money by taking
another airline.
;;; ********************************
;;; Airline Antitrust Litigation ***
;;; ********************************
If you flew on American, Continental, Delta, Midway, Northwest, Pan Am, TWA,
United, or USAir (domestic flights only) between January 1, 1988, and
June 30, 1992 from one of the following airports
Atlanta Baltimore Boston
Charlotte Chicago (O'Hare) Chicago (Midway)
Cincinnati Cleveland Dallas/FW
Dayton Denver Detroit
Houston (IAH) Indianapolis Kansas City
Los Angeles Memphis Miami
Mpls/St Pl Nashville Newark
New York (JFK) New York (LGA) Orlando FL
Philadelphia Pittsburgh Raleigh/Durham
St. Louis Salt Lake City San Francisco
San Jose Syracuse Washington (National)
Washington (Dulles)
you are probably eligible for part of the $364 million antitrust
settlement. This settlement is in response to a suit charging that
they conspired to fix prices through a computerized reservation
system. If you write to
Airline Antitrust Litigation
P.O. Box 209
Philadelphia, PA 19107-9711
they will send you a claim form and instructions.
If you've taken at least one eligible trip, you will get a $100
voucher good for travel on either Northwest Airlines only, or on
the other airlines (the restrictions on the vouchers differ, see
below). You choose which kind of vouchers you prefer, subject to
If you've taken at least 5 round trips or 10 one-way trips (or some
combination), you will receive up to $250 in vouchers.
If you've taken more flights, you can file additional documentation
with your claim, and receive vouchers for 10% of the actual amount
This is a gross oversimplification of the terms of the settlement. If
more than 2,689,840 claim forms are submitted, the base $100 amount
will be reduced. If the total payout exceeds $364 million, the program ends.
Certificates may be used only as partial payment toward a ticket; they
may not exceed the price of the ticket.
The vouchers have the following restrictions on the price of the
ticket for which they may be used:
Northwest Vouchers
Voucher Amount Ticket Price
$25 $100-200
$50 $201-300
$75 $301-400
$100 $401-500
$125 $501-750
$150 $751-1000
$200 $1000-
Other Airline Vouchers
Voucher Amount Ticket Price (min)
$10 $50
$25 $250
$50 $500
$75 $750
$100 $1000
$125 $1250
$150 $1500
The first $100 in vouchers may be used immediately upon receipt. Of
the rest of the vouchers, half may be used immediately and half after
6 months. Vouchers are valid for a period of 2 years. Tickets
purchased using the vouchers are good for one year from the date of
purchase. Vouchers may not be combined with any other special offer.
Only you and your immediate family may use the vouchers unless you
designate a different recipient when filing your claim. Vouchers are
for use when purchasing tickets directly from the airlines, and may
not be used when purchasing tickets from a travel agent. Vouchers may
be used only for purchasing round trip tickets for travel within the
continental US (Hawaii and Alaska are excluded, except for residents
of those states). There are blackout dates during which the vouchers
may not be used. Tickets purchased using the vouchers will receive
frequent flyer miles.
;;; ********************************
;;; General Notes ******************
;;; ********************************
The information in this FAQ applies primarily to US domestic flights,
though some information may also apply to international flights.
;;; ********************************
;;; Standard Tricks ****************
;;; ********************************
Airlines give better fares to people who advance book because
they are trying to encourage people to book as early as possible. If
the airline were to lower fares just before flight time there would be
a flood of people (on random flights) at the last minute. Airlines
need an accurate estimate of the number of people and amount of
baggage on a flight so that they can load the proper amount of fuel.
(Meals and beverages also have to be loaded.)
Moreover, people who book at the last minute are usually
flying on business, and therefore the business is paying for it.
People flying for pleasure usually know weeks or months in advance,
and can't afford the prices that a business would pay. Thus it is to
an airline's advantage to set rates according to the major differences
between business and leisure travelers:
o Business travelers fly mostly between 9 and 5, whereas leisure
travelers can fly offpeak hours.
o Business travelers buy tickets on very short notice, whereas
leisure travelers plan trips well in advance.
o Business travelers do not stay over a weekend (= Saturday
night), whereas leisure travelers do.
So airlines typically give discounts for people who stay over a
weekend, flying offpeak hours, and purchasing tickets 7 days, 14 days,
21 days or 30 days in advance.
For example, "Supersaver" or "Maxsaver" fares require that you
buy your roundtrip ticket 7 days, 14 days, or 30 days in advance, and
that you stay over a weekend (Saturday night). The price is usually
the average of the two one-way tickets. (E.g., a 2-week advance
PGH/BOS advance ticket is around $200 this way.) Since a regular 1-way
ticket is so much worse, it sometimes pays to buy a round-trip ticket
and throw away the other half (if you're only going one way). If you
buy a round trip ticket and throw away the other half, make the first
leg of the trip the destination, since some airlines will cancel the
return trip if you don't show up for the first leg.
For example, a round-trip to San Francisco from Pittsburgh
with a one-night stayover is $1,333. However, the cost of a Saturday
night stayover is only $479 if you order the ticket a week or two in
advance. Purchasing two round trip tickets, one originating from Pgh
and one from SF, and then using one half of each round trip ticket
saves you $375.
Note that for many airlines the discount fares depend solely
on the date of the first leg of the trip. The price does not vary no
matter when the return flight is (so long as you stay over a Saturday
night). You could buy a flight with one leg in March and the return in
November, and it would cost the same as if the return was in March.
If you travel regularly to a particular destination, but don't
stay over weekends, you can get the cheaper weekend rates by
staggering your tickets. I.e., if you're flying from A to B and back
Monday and Wednesday of Week 1, and the same Week 2, instead of buying
roundtrip tickets for each week, buy a roundtrip ticket leaving A
Monday of Week 1 and returning Wednesday of Week 2, and a second
roundtrip ticket leaving B Wednesday of Week 1 and returning to B
Monday of Week 2. This works out to be precisely the same flights, but
since both tickets are over a weekend, you get the cheaper rate. The
only problem is that you have to know your schedule in advance to make
this work. Using the Pgh-SF example from above, this method would save
you $1708 on a pair of midweek round trip flights.
If you travel on offpeak hours and low volume days, the rates
are cheaper. Thus to guarrantee a low cost flight, you have to be very
flexible about where you are going, what time and day you are leaving,
and how long you want to stay.
Also important is when you make the reservation. If you make
the reservation for an offpeak flight during the peak season (say,
make a reservation for February just before Thanksgiving), you may be
charged the peak rates. After the holidays some airlines lower their
discount fares to attract customers. So you may be able to get a
better fare by making your reservation right after the holidays.
If you notice that the fare for your flight has been lowered
after you bought the ticket, try calling the airline. Sometimes they
will refund the difference between the price you paid and the lower
fare. (You may have to go to the airport to get the ticket rewritten
at the lower fare.)
;;; ********************************
;;; Fare Classes *******************
;;; ********************************
When airlines set their fares, they divide their seating into
"classes", which are based on an analysis of past passenger purchases.
Suppose you have a 100 seat airliner going from DC to SF. The rates
might break down on a particular day as follows:
30 seats at $315 round trip, 30 days in advance
20 seats at $350 RT, 21 days in advance
20 seats at $375 RT, 14 days in advance
20 seats at $400 RT, 7 days in advance
10 seats at $450 RT, full fare, available until the last minute.
Now if the time has elapsed within a given price group, then the fare
will go up to the rate of the next price group. If they sell the quota
of tickets for a price group, even if the time has not elapsed, then
they can only sell you tickets at the next rate group price (which is
naturally higher). So it can pay to make your reservations way in
advance. (The number of seats available at each fare varies from day
to day, depending on the airline's yield management algorithm.)
Actually, it would be more accurate to say that airlines
distinguish between classes of service and types of fares. A discount
ticket (fare) for first class travel (service) could, in theory, be
cheaper than an advance purchase ticket (fare) for thrift travel in
the first class compartment (service). The best way to describe it is
as a series of overlapping tiers of fares.
There are five regular classes of service: First, Business,
Standard, Coach and Thrift. Standard is practically nonexistent these
days. Fares usually drop with lower class service. For each class except
Standard there are six main types of reduced-fare tickets: discounted,
night, offpeak, weekend, advance purchase, and excursion fare.
;;; ********************************
;;; Classes of Service *************
;;; ********************************
The following chart gives some of the letters used to
designate each class of service. Note that Fn means Night/Offpeak
Coach in the First Class compartment, and Yn means Night/Offpeak Coach
in other than the First Class compartment.
Regular Premium Discounted Night/Offpeak
First Class F P A Fn
Business Class C J D Cn
Standard S
Coach Economy Y B, H, M, Q, T Qn, Yn
Thrift K L, V Vn, Kn
Supersonic R
No Reservation Service U
In reality there is no difference between classes F and P, nor between
classes C and J.
;;; ********************************
;;; Fare Types *********************
;;; ********************************
The following lists some of the letters used to designate
different types of fares. This is distinct from class of service. A
number (e.g., 7 or 14) usually means how many days in advance the
ticket must be bought.
AP Advance Purchase
EX Excursion Fare
B Capacity-controlled Excursion Fares
SW Offpeak; Saturday or Sunday
W Weekend
X Midweek
US 48 contiguous states (not including alaska/hawaii)
KH Weekend
KL Midweek/Offpeak
MH Weekend (Discount Fare)
ML Midweek/Offpeak (Discount Fare)
L Capacity-controlled Inventory
SH Peak
SL Offpeak
V Offpeak
B Capacity-controlled Inventory
BN Night Coach
H Capacity-controlled Inventory, Coach/Night Coach
V Offpeak
YH Weekend
YL Midweek/Offpeak
Super Coach
QH Weekend; applies Fri-Sun
QL Midweek; applies Mon-Thur
;;; ********************************
;;; Special Fare Categories ********
;;; ********************************
All airlines have special rate categories, but you have to ask
for them by name, since the agents are usually not familiar with them.
You may even have to talk to the agent's supervisor. Below is a brief
listing of different special fare categories, followed by a more in
depth discussion of standby fares.
Also, see preceding discussion of classes of service and fare
types. For example, on TWA, class K, V, YC, and M fares are the cheapest.
Children's fares:
Children under 2 years of age travel free on US domestic
flights. To be more accurate, the child must not occupy a separate
seat (sits on its parent's lap), and must be accompanied by a fare
paying adult passenger 12 years of age and over (the lap in which it
sits). Additional children under 2 are subject to regular children's
fares. On international flights you need a "lap child" ticket which
typically costs about $100.
Fares for children accompanied by a fare paying adult
passenger and occupying a separate seat are cheaper than fares for
unaccompanied children. Some carriers will not accept unaccompanied
children under five years of age (some 8 years, some 12). Fares for
accompanied children range from 50% to 100% of an adult fare
(1/2 fare, 2/3 fare, 3/4 fare, 80%, 90%, full fare). Fares for
unaccompanied children range from 50% of adult fare to 125% of an
adult fare (1/2 fare, 2/3 fare, 3/4 fare, full fare, 1-1/4 fare).
Clergy fares:
Clergy get ridiculously cheap standby fares on certain
airlines if they possess a certain type of "Clergy Identification
Military fares:
US military personnel traveling at their own expense on
authorized leave or pass may get signicantly cheaper fares. Discharged
military personnel must complete all travel within 7 days of discharge
date. Valid active duty US green identification card or separation
orders must be presented. USAir has a 50% military discount. Note,
however, that air force personnel can usually fly on military aircraft
on a standby basis to any air force base for $20 (e.g., Hawaii,
Boston, Florida).
Senior Citizen fares:
Certain airlines provide reduced fares for passengers 65 years
of age and older. Passengers must carry proof of age (passport, birth
certificate, driver's license or medicare card). Seats are usually limited.
Standby fares:
Flying standby can be one of the cheapest ways to travel.
Adult standby passengers are enplaned on a flight on a standby basis
subject to availability of space at departure time. This is only after
all passengers with reservations for the flight have been boarded.
Passengers from a previous flight who were bumped have priority. No
advance reservations are accepted, but get to the gate early to put
yourself first on the standby list. No stopovers are permitted on
standby fares. [Many airlines no longer sell standby tickets at a
special fare, but will sell you a standby ticket at regular fare.]
Note that nonrefundable, nonchangeable tickets can often be
used for standby travel (sometimes with a slight surcharge).
Student fares:
Some airlines give discounted fares to full-time students of an
accredited school, college or university who are at least 12 years of
age. Student ID card must be carried and displayed at the request of
the carrier. Some restrict the age of the student to under some age
(e.g., 22, 26 years of age). Stopovers are not permitted, and some
require reservations at least 7 days before departure.
[The USAir student discount was cancelled on May 30, 1992, as a
consequence of the American fare restructuring.]
USAir has a 10% discount on fares for full-time students. The student
discount is combinable with supersaver fares (i.e., you get a 10%
discount above and beyond the supersaver discount). The only
restrictions are that
(1) You must be a full-time student, aged 16 through 26.
(2) You must show proof of age and student status to the
agent when making a reservation (e.g., a college ID and
driver's license)
(3) The discount is limited to domestic travel.